Consultancy: Supporting Collection of Pharmaceutical Expenditure Data in the Depok District in Indonesia – Results for Development – Depok

Consultancy: Supporting Collection of Pharmaceutical Expenditure Data in the Depok District in Indonesia - Results for Development - Depok

Consultancy: Supporting Collection of Pharmaceutical Expenditure Data in the Depok District in Indonesia – Depok –

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Results for Development (R4D) is a leading non-profit global development partner. We collaborate with change agents around the world — government officials, civil society leaders and social innovators — to create strong systems that support healthy, educated people. We help our partners move from knowing their goal to knowing how to reach it. We combine global expertise in health, education and nutrition with analytic rigor, practical support for decision-making and implementation and access to peer problem-solving networks. Together with our partners, we build self-sustaining systems that serve everyone and deliver lasting results. Then we share what we learn so others can achieve results for development, too.

We have a unique and vibrant culture at R4D. Diversity, equity and inclusion are at the heart of our work environment and help advance our mission. Diversity—of ideas, identities, perspectives and backgrounds—is vital to who we are and what we do. We seek people who embrace these values and will help reinforce them. Our work culture is collaborative, creative and entrepreneurial. We operate based on trust and respect. Teams across the organization frequently collaborate on programmatic work and support each other in continuously building a better R4D.

Introduction and Background:

Funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Medicines, Technologies, and Pharmaceutical Services (MTaPS) Program, implemented by Management Sciences for Health and partners including Results for Development (R4D), provides pharmaceutical system strengthening assistance for sustained improvements in health system performance and to advance USAID’S goals of preventing child and maternal deaths, controlling the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and combating infectious disease threats, as well as expanding essential health coverage.

The goal of the global, five-year (2018–2023) program is to enable low- and middle-income countries to strengthen their pharmaceutical systems to ensure sustainable access to and appropriate use of safe, effective, quality-assured, and affordable essential medicines and medicine-related pharmaceutical services. To achieve this goal, the MTAPS program has the following objectives:

  • Strengthen pharmaceutical sector governance
  • Increase institutional and human resource capacity for pharmaceutical management and services, including regulation of medical products
  • Improve availability and use of pharmaceutical information for decision making increased and global learning agenda
  • Optimize pharmaceutical sector financing, including resource allocation and use
  • Enhance pharmaceutical services, including product availability and patient-centered care to achieve desired health outcomes

The purpose of MTaPS is to provide pharmaceutical system strengthening assistance for sustained improvements in health system performance, and to advance USAID’s goals of Preventing Child and Maternal Deaths, Controlling the HIV/AIDS Epidemic, and Combatting Infectious Disease Threats, as well as expanding essential health coverage. In July 2019, MTaPS visited Indonesia to assess areas where the program could support the government in its efforts toward sustainable financing for universal health coverage (UHC).

Increasing Accuracy of Pharmaceutical Expenditure Tracking

Many countries lack capacity to efficiently collect, analyze, and use data on pharmaceutical expenditures in order to ensure value-for-money of spending. Health Accounts teams often need support to accurately measure pharmaceuticals spending using the System of Health Accounts (SHA) 2011 framework. Sometimes the data exist but are not compiled or analyzed in a meaningful way. However, the SHA 2011 implementation guidelines provide limited guidance on tracking of pharmaceutical expenditures. Stakeholders making decisions about pharmaceuticals and other policy actors in the health system need more accurate data on pharmaceutical spending and greater capacity to use such data to conduct secondary analysis to inform decision-making around spending on pharmaceuticals. Supplementary guidelines for SHA 2011 exist for specific programs such as family planning, immunization, and maternal and child health. For pharmaceutical expenditure tracking, preliminary work has been done to develop an operational guide.

In this activity, MTaPS will contribute expertise to customize the Health Accounts methodology to produce higher quality and detailed data on pharmaceutical spending in Indonesia. This will include determining how expenditure on different medicines can be collected, compiled, and classified to align with the Health Accounts methodology; identifying the type of summary data on pharmaceutical expenditures most useful to decision-makers in Indonesia; and initial efforts to collect, analyze and package pharmaceutical expenditure data to meet the needs of pharmaceutical decision-makers. The Depok District was selected as the most suitable for this exercise. The activity will be implemented in close collaboration with the PPJK team and the District Health Account team as an opportunity for on-the-job capacity building. The lessons learned and experience gained by the national team might be extrapolated to other districts in the country and eventually to inform the National Health Account (NHA). MTaPS is seeking two consultants to support pharmaceutical expenditure tracking in the Depok District in Indonesia.

2. Description of Services to be provided

The consultant will lead the local effort to collect pharmaceutical expenditure data in the selected district in Indonesia. This will include pharmaceutical consumption data from public, private and donor sources. The local consultants will work under the supervision of a senior consultant.

The consultant will undertake the following activities:

Locate specific pharmaceutical spending data sources relevant to the target district and obtain pharmaceutical expenditure (PE) data.

First, the consultants will coordinate with the senior consultant (in charge of the pharmaceutical data sources landscape study) to identify the selected district pharmaceutical data sources. Second, the consultants will conduct consultations with national and subnational government agencies, other relevant stakeholders, and partners to specify the data sources for pharmaceutical spending. Third, the consultants will then follow-up to solicit and gather the relevant data.

Compile PE data in a standardized format.

The consultants will clean and organize the pharmaceutical data into Excel format. As part of this process, the consultant will document assumptions made and steps taken. The Excel table format will be provided by MTaPS team to support/guide the data compilation.

Data mapping to therapeutic classifications and NHA disease categories.

To enable the PE data mapping following the NHA classification by disease, the consultants will organize and group the data/drugs by therapeutic group. In addition, the consultants will participate in a learning discussion with MTaPS to learn how to map the pharmaceutical expenditure data.

Finalize the district pharmaceutical expenditure data mapping.

The consultants, in collaboration with MTAPS technical team, will work together to finalize the data mapping.

3. Deliverables

1. Map of specific district data sources for pharmaceutical spending

2. Disaggregated pharmaceutical expenditure data organized in a flat Excel format database showing commodities use, prices, total spending by commodities in the district

3. In the same database, commodities grouped/aggregated in therapeutic group to enable data coding by diseases

4. Documentation of steps taken, and assumptions made in compiling the data in a standardized format (short report)

5. Final map of district pharmaceutical expenditure data

4. Period of Performance, expected LOE and reporting:

Period of Performance and LOE: The consultant’s period of performance will be from February 1, 2022 to April 30, 2022. Payment will be based on invoices reflecting hours/days worked. The total number of days needed for this assignment should not exceed 35 days.

Reporting to: The consultant will be supervised by and report to Andre Zida at R4D in Washington, D.C., United States. The consultant will liaise with Arry Putra, country coordinator at MTaPS Indonesia, other country team members, relevant MTaPS and R4D headquarters, and regional technical staff, and work in close collaboration with the PPJK, NHA, and DHA teams.

    • Master’s degree in pharmacy, medicine, or related field. PhD in Public Health preferred
    • Minimum of 5 years of working experience in designing, managing, and implementing Health Accounts exercises using SHA 2011, NASA, or other resource tracking methods particularly in low- and middle-income countries with experience in the Indonesia health system
    • Experience working in obtaining pharmaceutical data within the Indonesian pharmaceutical field
    • Prior experience working with international organizations or USAID-funded projects preferred
    • Demonstrated knowledge of SHA 2011, NASA, or other resource tracking methods to design, manage and implement Health Accounts
    • Demonstrated skills in stakeholder engagement and management, especially with government representatives
    • Possession of logical thinking with strong analytical and systematic skills
    • Advanced skills in Microsoft and Google suites of products, particularly Excel
    • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and Bahasa Indonesia
    • Ability to organize the work with minimum supervision
    • Ability to produce results within tight deadlines
    • Ability to prepare and review reports, SOPs, checklists, training materials/curricula, technical documents, and presentations
    • Ability to design and conduct knowledge and skill-building training and workshops
    • Candidate must currently reside in the Depok district in Indonesia

Results for Development is an EOE/M/F/Vet/Disabled/Affirmative Action Employer committed to fostering

and nurturing an energetic, collaborative and diverse workforce. R4D provides market-competitive salaries and comprehensive employee benefits.

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