Network Planner – Shell – Jakarta

Network Planner - Shell - Jakarta

Network Planner – Jakarta –

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Achieving our ambitions will necessitate placing customers at the heart of our business, treating every interaction as a chance to bring our purpose to life to making people’s journeys better. We’re evolving from ‘fuels retailer’ to ‘mobility retailer’- innovating to meet our customers’ changing expectations around convenience, product quality, digitalization, and service. This includes continuing to improve the quality of our current products while expanding our alternative energy mosaic (LNG, hydrogen, EV charging and biofuels).

Where you fit in

Shell Mobility represents the single largest customer-facing business in the group serving millions in mobility and thousands of Fleet customers per day through service champions in sites across 70+ countries. As Royal Dutch Shell looks to the future, Mobility is critical to establish Shell as The Low Carbon Leader, with ambitions to be the no. 1 mobility and convenience retailer, with the world’s leading EV charging network and lead in business and goods mobility platform.

What’s the role?

Indonesia is one of the New Growth Markets has a huge growth aspiration both on Fuels and Non-Fuels business. This is a critical role to support the accelerated growth aspiration in ID (Indonesia).

The Network Planner will play a key role in defending and growing Shell Mobility Indonesia as First-Class footprint through an integrated Fuel and NFR (Non Fuel Revenue) offer and execute Indonesia network strategy to achieve its network growth aspiration.

You are accountable for delivering the network growth plan, optimizing network yield, and divesting of assets within the assigned area in order to achieve a robust and 1st class network footprint in that area.

You will drive collaborations across the Mobility functions to define priorities and trade-offs which will be translated into executable Multi Year Plan Projects and be the critical link between Network and other Mobility functions to deliver the network objectives.

More specifically, you can look forward to a role that will:

  • Be accountable for the Network plan delivery in the assigned area together with Real Estate, Business Development, and Engineering.

  • Develop and implement the network master plan to meet the Mobility aspiration and to ensure the achievement of 1st class network footprint for long-term business competitiveness.

  • Support NP Team Lead in delivering Network Planning initiative and ensure alignment with Network Imperatives in all Network Planning aspects, i.e., Integrated Master Plan, Investment Proposal development, Post-Investment Review, etc.

  • Support NP Team Lead in the development of Multi Year Plan and T&R by coordinating with various functions, ensuring investment priorities are captured.

  • Review and refresh ID master plan (as necessary) and identify opportunities to improve market share, network presence and performance.

  • Ensure plans are translated into a robust Investment Proposals with agreed economics and exercise financial authorities aligned with Network Imperatives tools and processes.

  • Act as the integrator to ensure relevant inputs are obtained from cross-functional team to enable robust IP development, e.g., Marketing, Real-Estate, NFR, S&O (Sales & Operations), HSSE, Engineering, Finance, etc.

  • Drive more value from existing network and drive trade-off discussions to maximize network yield thru Value Added and NFR opportunities in collaboration with Real Estate, Marketing, Engineering, and S&O teams.

  • Assure data transparency for reporting to enable global visibility.

  • Work together with Global Network Development team in implementing global initiatives in the market and proactively connect with functional experts and cross functional teams (Global and Local) to maximize effectiveness and efficiency of delivery.

  • Monitor and aligned with Engineering and Real Estate on monthly capex spend and incorporate actions to deliver the phased planning.

  • Conduct Post Investment Review analysis (global and local) and ensure learnings are taken into consideration for future projects and actions are fully implemented and tracked.

  • Participate in the development of Innovation initiatives, e.g., EV, Mobile dispenser, etc.

  • Contribute ideas and lead actions to reduce Opex items e.g., Rent reduction, Environmental Services costs, HSSE, HAV sites, etc.

What we need from you

We are keen to speak to professionals with the following competencies:

  • Extensive stakeholder management with excellent communication skills, written and verbally

  • Strong delivery records with the openness to learn new things and be a quick learner

  • Strong analytical skill, structured-approach and strategic-thinking will ensure the success of the candidate in this role

  • Demonstrated ability to work under pressure and within tight deadline

  • Experience in Mobility (an advantage, but not mandatory)

Company description

Shell began operations in Indonesia more than 100 years ago and can look back on a rich history with Indonesia. At Shell Indonesia, we believe that diversity is key: it will help our drive to innovate and make sure that our employees’ ideas will travel. We offer an exciting platform from which you can deliver and excel. Shell Indonesia manages business operations that include marketing and trading oil products directly as well as through its appointed distributors. In 2006, Shell started its Commercial Fuels business in Indonesia: we provide bulk fuels and related technical support to the Industrial and Transport Sector. Shell Indonesia is also planning to establish a significant presence in the upstream sector.

An innovative place to work

There’s never been a more exciting time to work at Shell. Everyone here is helping solve one of the biggest challenges facing the world today: bringing the benefits of energy to everyone on the planet, whilst managing the risks of climate change.

Join us and you’ll be adding your talent and imagination to a business with the ambition to shape the future – whether by investing in renewables, exploring new ways to store energy, or developing technology that helps the world to use energy more efficiently, everyone at Shell does their part.

An inclusive place to work

To power progress together, we need to attract and develop the brightest minds and make sure every voice is heard. Here are just some of the ways we are nurturing an inclusive environment – one where you can express your ideas, extend your skills, and reach your potential.

  • We’re creating a space where people with disabilities can excel through transparent recruitment process, workplace adjustments and ongoing support in their roles. Feel free to let us know about your circumstances when you apply, and we’ll take it from there.

  • We’re closing the gender gap – whether that’s through action on equal pay or by enabling more women to reach senior roles in engineering and technology.

  • We’re striving to be a pioneer of an inclusive and diverse workplace, promoting equality for employees regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

  • We consider ourselves a flexible employer and want to support you finding the right balance. We encourage you to discuss this with us in your application.

A rewarding place to work

Combine our creative, collaborative environment and global operations with an impressive range of benefits and joining Shell becomes an inspired career choice.

We’re huge advocates for career development. We’ll encourage you to try new roles and experience new settings. By pushing people to reach their potential, we frequently help them find skills they never knew they had, or make career moves they never thought possible.


Please note: We occasionally amend or withdraw Shell jobs and reserve the right to do so at any time, including prior to the advertised closing date. Before applying, you are advised to read our data protection policy. This policy describes the processing that may be associated with your personal data and informs you that your personal data may be transferred to Royal Dutch/Shell Group companies around the world. The Shell Group and its approved recruitment consultants will never ask you for a fee to process or consider your application for a career with Shell. Anyone who demands such a fee is not an authorised Shell representative and you are strongly advised to refuse any such demand. Shell is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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